For Teens and Young Adults*

New! Teen Talk Thursday!



Watch our latest video: Suicide Prevention Education Resources for teens, parents, educators and human services agencies.

(15 minutes)

Life is not so simple…We all require help every now and then…We need to know someone cares about us…We  need to know we are not alone and our future is hopeful.

Today, teens, young adults and their families are experiencing a new set of realities that can make the future seem challenging.  The Samaritans of RI Youth Resources pages were created to provide information for each of these groups.

Our website provides several different ways you can get information and support:

Young Perspective pages provide inspiration, skills to cope,  and information on how to help a friend for teens and young adults.

Parents’ Perspective contains valuable ideas on how to talk and LISTEN to your child, signs to look for, where to turn in times of crisis, and information on bullying.

Educators’ Perspective includes information on how to interact with students, lesson plans aligned with RI educational standards, and links to information relevant to education.

Note: Our RI Department of Education grant funding for  classroom presentations has been cut to minimum amounts. Today, to meet our legislative mandate (RIGL 16-22-14), each year we focus on different regions of the state. Currently our focus is on the coastal communities.  As state or other funding becomes available we hope to once again expand our outreach efforts.

New! To learn more about our history in RI schools, see our link to:  Suicide Prevention and School Culture – The Power of Us

Since 1986, under state mandate, we have partnered with the RI Department of Education to visit schools in all 39 cities and towns, made presentations before thousands of teens, parents and educators, connected countless teens to school resources,  hosted hundreds of calls on our Crisis Hotline from teens, their family and friends and distributed tens of thousands of brochures relating to teen suicide prevention across the state. Since it was launched in 2004, we have received thousands of visitors to the teen pages of our website.

Suicide prevention education for teens and young adults, their parents and caregivers as well as educators and agencies serving children, youth and teens is still a program priority for The Samaritans.

At the request of teachers and schools, we have developed a fee structure for school presentations. To request a presentation, contact The Samaritans business line at 401.721.5220 or email at

*This page is dedicated to the memory of our dear friend Ryan Sims.





Suicide Prevention Resources for Rhode Island Residents

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